Entries by Michael

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5 Ways to Make Leadership Training Stick for Good

If you prefer to watch or listen, check out the video version of this content for a more accessible experience: 5 Ways to Make Sure Leadership Development Training Sticks for Good According to Research.com, billions of dollars are spent annually on leadership training worldwide, with North America alone accounting for approximately $170 billion. With such […]

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5 Strategies for Leaders to Enhance Workplace Wellness and Mental Health

In today’s fast-paced corporate environment, maintaining employee wellness and mental health is not just beneficial; it’s imperative. At Arc Integrated, we’ve gathered insights directly from our clients—leaders like you who strive to uplift their team’s performance and culture. In this blog post, we’ll delve into five actionable strategies that can immediately enhance wellness and mental […]

Strategic Thinking: A Key to Strategic Success

By Terry L. Poling What is Strategic Thinking and Why Is It Important? Strategic Thinking is both a choice and a capacity. When we decide to apply our mental faculties to issues that will move our organizations into important, but unknown territories with desired long-term benefits and potential risks, we are choosing to think strategically. […]

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5 Ways Leaders Can Support Employee Goals

Here at Arc Integrated, we help leaders, teams, and cultures all over the globe with assessment, executive coaching as well as training and consultation. January marks the start of a new year and with it, companies and teams are setting their goals for the upcoming year.  Surprisingly, 92% of people never meet the goals that […]