The Value of Showing Up – Arc Integrated
The Value of Showing Up[/caption]
One of the first rules of life – show up. What does this mean exactly? I believe it can mean lots of things but perhaps first it means, give it your all. Always be participating in your life rather than being a passive observer. This is great advice, however, this article is more about the value of showing up in a literal sense.
Being actually present with someone rather than emailing, calling, Facebook messaging, Tweeting, texting or otherwise communicating. I recently had the opportunity to be mentioned in an article in Entreprenuer.com. This article goes in to great detail about the value of in person communication. In today’s Vlog I want to emphasize three components that I find particularly important –
For more information and detail about the value of in person communication, please see this article. If you have questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to reach out. If you have interest in continuing the conversation, consider answering the following the questions and then commenting below –
What have you found to be valuable when communicating in person?
How has in person communication impacted your personal or work relationships?
P.S. If you or your team would like to improve communication in order to connect more effectively with clients and increase your overall workplace performance, contact us today for a free consult.